








A Web3 game of DAOmination



Polygon + Sushi

DAO Rules

1. The first rule of DAO WARS is that we do not talk about DAO WARS (No Twitter, No Discord, No Telegram)
2. The DAO was created by wrapping the 🚀coin.eth NFT into a smart contract and minting 5,000,000🚀COIN (DAO ownership ERC20 tokens)

DOA Smart Contract
3. DOA WARS will start with 60% of 🚀COIN on Ethereum and 40% of 🚀COIN‍ bridged onto Polygon

Ethereum/Polygon Bridge
4. When 🚀COIN is on‍ Ethereum holders can vote on the price to buyout the DAO

Add 🚀COIN to MetaMask (Ethereum)
5. 🚀COIN‍ on Polygon has no voting rights, but it has proof of stake speed and near 0 gas fees ideal using, sending, swapping, staking and building into other projects

Add 🚀COIN to MetaMask (Polygon)
6. DAO WARS will create an ecosystem of DeFi liquidity pools and trading pairs between the DAOs

7. A DAO may be eliminated from DAO WARS at anytime through a "buyout" and the last surviving DAO will win DAO WARS

Buyout the DAO
8. If 🚀coin.eth is eliminated, then 🚀COIN can be exchanged for ETH on ethereum

Exchange 🚀COIN after buyout

Good luck, have fun!